in PICES 5th International Symposium (Bergen, Norway, 4/17-21, 2023)
Title: ENSO-like variabilities of mass and foraminiferal shell fluxes in the deep basin of northern South China Sea: a decadal time series study
Join the Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) National and Regional Network as the Regional Representative of Taiwan.
rfa 訪問 綠色情報員 rfa Interview
2022/7/21 專欄 | 綠色情報員:海洋變酸了(上)魚蝦貝泡在“汽水”裏
2022/7/28 專欄 | 綠色情報員:海洋變酸了(下)生態系消蝕崩解
2022/7/21 專欄 | 綠色情報員:海洋變酸了(上)魚蝦貝泡在“汽水”裏
2022/7/28 專欄 | 綠色情報員:海洋變酸了(下)生態系消蝕崩解
2021/11/26-27 We are promoting Popular Science, the recycles and reuses of Styrofoam, in the College of Marine Science, NSYSU.
2021/4/14 Popular Science in TORI
Thanks TORI and friends there for their ever support in promoting popular science.
Thanks TORI and friends there for their ever support in promoting popular science.
2020/11/28 Marine Micropaleontology and Chemistry Laboratories Open House (With Prof. Yuan-Pin Chang)
(Credit of the photo: NSYSU Admissions)
(Credit of the photo: NSYSU Admissions)
2020/10/21 Visiting TORI
What a wonderful trip to TORI. Thanks TORI and friends there for their ever support in promoting popular science.
(Credit of the photo: TORI: Wang-Ting Chang)
What a wonderful trip to TORI. Thanks TORI and friends there for their ever support in promoting popular science.
(Credit of the photo: TORI: Wang-Ting Chang)
2020/8/25 中山新聞 亮點時刻
研究海水酸化 海科系雷漢杰助理教授獲頒第5屆「海洋薪傳獎」,r3979.php?Lang=zh-tw
研究海水酸化 海科系雷漢杰助理教授獲頒第5屆「海洋薪傳獎」,r3979.php?Lang=zh-tw
NSYSU Interview
Ocean acidification may adversely impact marine ecosystems and exacerbate global warming,r3244.php?Lang=en
Ocean acidification may adversely impact marine ecosystems and exacerbate global warming,r3244.php?Lang=en
●2020-04-21 創全球之先! 中山大學研究:海洋生物體內累積空污微粒,r2910.php?Lang=zh-tw
●NSYSU research team is the first to prove the presence of fossil-fuel PM1 in marine biota,r3244.php?Lang=en,r2910.php?Lang=zh-tw
●NSYSU research team is the first to prove the presence of fossil-fuel PM1 in marine biota,r3244.php?Lang=en
2019/10/19 瑞法提歐 科學營 Renovatio Science Camp (Thanks Prof. Kate Chen for the photos.)
2019/5/23 「從公共視角看海洋國家」論壇--傾聽海洋的聲音
2019/4/7-9 大愛新聞訪問 (參與1、3集) DaAi World News Interview (participated in 1st and 3rd clips)
2019/3/28 Talk at Li-Chih High School.
2019/1/31 and 2/1 My last day in Taiwan Ocean Research Institute (TORI), and my first day in the Department of Oceanography, National Sun Yat-sen University with warmly supports from my best friends/colleagues from TORI .
第19屆亞太經濟合作 (APEC)企業/私人部門參與海洋環境永續性圓桌會議
The 19th APEC Roundtable Meeting (Credit of photo: Institute of Maine Affairs and Resource Management, NTOU)
第19屆亞太經濟合作 (APEC)企業/私人部門參與海洋環境永續性圓桌會議
The 19th APEC Roundtable Meeting (Credit of photo: Institute of Maine Affairs and Resource Management, NTOU)
獲頒 《第12屆國研院傑出科技貢獻獎-- 學術研究類 優等獎》
Received《National Applied Research Laboratories Technical Achievement Award--Superior Achievement Award》
獲頒 《第12屆國研院傑出科技貢獻獎-- 學術研究類 優等獎》
Received《National Applied Research Laboratories Technical Achievement Award--Superior Achievement Award》
2018/7/1~3 International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts
2018/6/7 Taipei Times 台北時報:
Ministry highlights 20th anniversary of SEATS program
Ministry highlights 20th anniversary of SEATS program
2018/5/22 Talk at National Penghu University of Science and Technology. Lovely students with excellent answers and questions. Let's drink and taste CO2. Thank you Director Hung for the invitation and photos.
2018/3/19 公共電視《我們的島》訪問 Interview by "Our Island" Programme in the Public Television Service (PTS).
2018/1/15 中央廣播電臺訪問 Interview by Taiwan Radio International